IQ Test Online

Since school times, we have been taught that IQ is an accurate barometer of a person’s smartness. People with high IQ are considered smart & intelligent. However some people may find IQ tests intimidating because of the fear of scoring below average.

But it’s time to come out of your comfort zone and try yourself getting an IQ test online.

– 20 Questions
– Created by the Brain Maps IQ Test™ Research team
– Get your IQ Certificate and Performance Report

What does IQ stand for?

IQ tests are workable. You can always improve the skills that IQ tests examine. Let us understand what IQ tests are and how they affect our career.

IQ is an abbreviation of intelligence quotient. It is expressed in numbers and helps to measure a person’s reasoning ability. It also helps to measure your short term and long term memory.

The average IQ is 100. If you score more than 100, then you did better than the average person and vice versa. If you have a high IQ, then you have an advantage in life because all activities require some reasoning and decision-making.

145-160 > Highly Gifted
130-144 > Gifted
115-129 > Above Average

85-114 > Average
70-84 > Below Average
Below 70 > Lower Extreme

– 20 Questions
– Created by the Brain Maps IQ Test™ Research team
– Get your IQ Certificate and Performance Report

What is a good IQ score?

Now that we know the average IQ score is 100, let’s find out what is a good IQ score.
When you take an IQ test, your ranking is based on how much more or less you scored compared to the average IQ.

Most people have an IQ range of 85 to 115. There is no such thing as a good score. Your ranking depends on the people who took the test with you.

If you score higher than 100, you have a good IQ.

There is only 2% of the population with an IQ score lower than 69 and it is very difficult to find people who score above 150. (Source)

– 20 Questions
– Created by the Brain Maps IQ Test™ Research team
– Get your IQ Certificate and Performance Report

Benefits of the IQ test:

For Children

IQ test helps to know children their level of intelligence which opens the scope of their development. It helps them to work on their memory and spatial skills and improves the overall academic comfort.

For adults (18+)

These tests help the adults to know where they are lacking and gives them a chance to improve their logical reasoning and problem solving ability.

For Corporates

The IQ test helps corporates to predict career achievements and improve observational skills and processing speed.

IQ tests consist of different types of questions which measure different components of intelligence. Some of the components are:

Why take an IQ test?

IQ tests consist of different types of questions which measure different components of intelligence. Some of the components are:

Numerical Intelligence:

It is based on the ability to calculate. This is a traditional way to measure intelligence.

Verbal Intelligence:

It is the ability to understand, learn and use language. If you can understand text and large vocabulary quickly, then you have high verbal intelligence.

Spatial Intelligence:

It is also known as visuo-spatial ability. It is the ability to visualize shape in our mind’s eye. If you can solve complex spatial problems, then you have high spatial intelligence.

Logical intelligence:

It is the reasoning ability. It is the ability to analyze situations and identify solutions to solve the problem easily.

Types of IQ Tests:

Let us look at the history and types of IQ tests and how it has evolved.


  • Stanford-Binet IQ test:



The Binet-Simon scale was the first intelligence test which became the basic for all the intelligence tests conducted today. However Binet didn’t think that his test can measure the inborn level of intelligence and insisted that intelligence is influenced by many factors and can change over time.

However, phycologists of Stanford University showed interest in the Binet-Simon scale and took the test and standardized it using American participants as the sample. The test was published in 1916 and was adopted by all. The test was later known as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence test.

In this test, the IQ is measured by dividing the test taker’s mental age by their chronological age and multiplying it with 100.


  • Wechsler Intelligence Scales:



This test was created by David Wechsler, an American psychologist. He also beleived that intelligence involves different mental abilities. Therefore, he published his own intelligence test in 1955 which is known as Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).

He created two different tests for children, one was called the Wechsler Intelligence for Children (WISC) and the other one was Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI). The adult test after many revisions is now known as WAIS-IV.

The WAIS-IV contains ten subtests and five supplemental tests. The test is used to measure four major areas of intelligence including a verbal comprehensive scale, a working memory scale, a processing speed scale and a perceptual reasoning scale.

The test is conducted by comparing the test taker’s score to other’s scores. The average score is 100 and the normal IQ range was decided to be between 85 and 115. This method became the standard technique in intelligence testing.


  • Woodcock-Johnson test of cognitive abilities:



This test has gained a lot of popularity over the years. The test provides an in-depth study of a person’s cognitive abilities and is recommended for people between 2 to 90 year of age.

It measures long term retrieval, short-term memory, auditory processing, visual-spatial thinking and
comprehenssion knowledge of a person.


  • Raven’s Progressive Matrices:



This one is considered to be the ideal test. It is a non-verbal test which is used to measure general human intelligence and reasoning. The test uses pictures to measure a person’s intelligence.

This test is great for problem solving and deductive reasoning skills.


  • Differential ability test:



This test is recommended for people between 2 to 17 years of age and is a mix of verbal and non-verbal tests.

There are 20 main tests and 17 additional subtests under this type.

What is the highest IQ possible?

There is a lower limit to an IQ score but there is no upper limit to it. IQ tests have been changed during the past few years which makes it difficult to know the upper limit of IQ. Some news articles claimed that Albert Einstein’s IQ was 160 and considered his IQ to be the highest, but it is unclear what that estimate is based upon.

A mathematician called Terence Tao is said to have an IQ score of 220 or 230. And there is a girls living in the United Kingdom who has an IQ score of 162 in the Mensa IQ test (source). Therefore, it is difficult to determine the highest IQ.

What does your IQ score indicate?

The IQ tests are scored by trained professionals and it represents that you are better or inferior than the people. The comparison is made on the basis of following categories:

  • Language
  • Processing speed
  • Reasoning Ability
  • Visual-spatial processing
  • Math
  • Memory

What does an IQ not indicate?

If you have a high IQ score, it means that you are better at problem solving and reasoning than others. It reflects your intellectual potential and if you score 70 or less, it indicates limited intellectual functioning.

There might be certain conditions because of which you couldn’t score well in your IQ test. Some of the conditions are:

Health conditions


Culture and environment

Access to education

Your IQ doesn’t predict how your life will turn out. It just tells you the level you are at and helps you to know what are the skills that you need to work on.

How to improve IQ scores?

We need to understand that high IQ or low IQ doesn’t have to do anything with your education. You may have a low IQ but still can earn a degree.

IQ just measures your ability to reason and solve problems. But still it is one of the ways to measure intelligence. You can improve your IQ levels by:

Memory activities:

These activities include solving jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, sudoku, etc. This not only improves the memory but also the reasoning skills.

Executive control activities:

It refers to the ability to control complex cognitive activities. These activities involve scrabbling, pictionary, brainteasers, etc.

Visuo-spatial reasoning activities:

Such activities involve the mental processes related to physical representations. The activities include solving mazes, point-of-view activities, unfolded prisms, etc.

Relational skills:

If you master in relational skills, then your verbal and numeric reasoning will be automatically improved. These activities involve object comparisons, amount comparisons, language learning books, etc.

How to take the IQ test?

Whether you want to take the IQ test online or offline, it can be performed in three basic steps:

First, you need to sign up to the site if you are giving the test online. You will get a questionnaire which needs to completed within the time limit.

Your answer to each question is scored according to the test manual and then a report is produced keeping in view all the norms.

After the test is completed and the report has been made, you will get an IQ certificate indicating your mental competence and suitable recommendations, if needed.


IQ tests helps us to diagnose intellectual disabilities and measure our intellectual potential. It is very important to have an IQ test, no matter what age group you belong. If you are willing to take the online IQ test, then you have us. We are the most reliable online platform for IQ tests and we promise to give instant results.


What does my IQ score mean?

Your IQ score tells your strengths and weaknesses in the aspect of intelligence. It reflects your IQ level in comparison to others in your age group. The average IQ score is 100 and 2/3rd of the test takers score lies between 85 and 115. If you score more than 130, then you are in the top 2.1%.

How can I check my IQ?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam condimentum dolor tristique, fringilla risus ut, imperdiet dui. Morbi ullamcorper dui nisi, quis volutpat est cursus a. Maecenas tincidunt accumsan mauris id consectetur. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce enim metus, lacinia eu aliquam vitae, convallis non erat. Mauris convallis semper tincidunt. Aliquam tempor lacus sit amet malesuada semper.

How is IQ calculated?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam condimentum dolor tristique, fringilla risus ut, imperdiet dui. Morbi ullamcorper dui nisi, quis volutpat est cursus a. Maecenas tincidunt accumsan mauris id consectetur. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce enim metus, lacinia eu aliquam vitae, convallis non erat. Mauris convallis semper tincidunt. Aliquam tempor lacus sit amet malesuada semper.

Why are IQ tests important?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam condimentum dolor tristique, fringilla risus ut, imperdiet dui. Morbi ullamcorper dui nisi, quis volutpat est cursus a. Maecenas tincidunt accumsan mauris id consectetur. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce enim metus, lacinia eu aliquam vitae, convallis non erat. Mauris convallis semper tincidunt. Aliquam tempor lacus sit amet malesuada semper.

Can a person have both high IQ and EQ?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam condimentum dolor tristique, fringilla risus ut, imperdiet dui. Morbi ullamcorper dui nisi, quis volutpat est cursus a. Maecenas tincidunt accumsan mauris id consectetur. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce enim metus, lacinia eu aliquam vitae, convallis non erat. Mauris convallis semper tincidunt. Aliquam tempor lacus sit amet malesuada semper.

Who has the highest IQ ever?

Some news articles claimed that Albert Einstein’s IQ was 160 and considered his IQ to be the highest, but it is unclear what that estimate is based upon. A mathematician called Terence Tao is said to have an IQ score of 220 or 230. And there is a girls living in the United Kingdom who has an IQ score of 162 in the Mensa IQ test. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the highest IQ.